Who Are We?

Our Mission

Providing volunteer and community service opportunities for those who want to give back while creating lasting friendships through libations and fellowship. Cheers!

audience, crowd, event

Meet the Pub Club Rotary Board

Annie HS

Annie Swanson

Kate Burcham (1)

Kate Burcham

Treasurer/ President Elect

Scott Swanson

Shannon Smith

Shannon Smith

Foundation Chair

Jen Bras

Service Chair
Jeannie Higdon

Jeannie Higdon

Membership Chair
Jeremy Plue

Jeremy Plue

PR Chair

Tara Conklin

Past President 2022 - 2023

The FIRST Rotary Club was formed in 1905 in Chicago. Pub Club Rotary of Bloomington was founded in 2021 and is the fastest growing club in the area.

The Vision of Rotary

The Vision of Rotary

Together we see a world where people unite and take action to create lasting change in our communities, across the globe, and in ourselves.

Who are Rotarians

Who are Rotarians?

Rotarians are people of action who use their skills and expertise to create positive and lasting change in the world

Why Join Our Club?

Why Join Our Club?

To make a difference through community involvement! The chance to professionally network. Build friendships and personal development.

What's expected of members?

What's expected of members?

Pay club dues, attend meetings and events, and use your professional talents/ skills to make a difference in our community.


Club Member Application

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